Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Alex Branning's Email Swipe File

    • Overview and Download Link

  • 2

    Emails to Prospects

    • Download Emails to Prospects

  • 3

    Emails to Current Clients

    • Download Emails to Current Clients

  • 4

    BONUS Email Sequences

    • Download Bonus Email Sequences

    • IUL Email (added July 23, 2021)

  • 5


    • Follow Up Advice with Chris & Ryan

  • 6


    • Email Marketing Mastery for Insurance Agents

    • Facebook Ad Kit Bundle - Copy and Paste My Best Facebook Ads

    • Join the Growth+ Business Coaching Program (UNLOCK ALL COURSES)

    • How to Get Leads NOW

    • Review This Course and Get A Discount On Your Next One!

  • 7


    • Submit A Support Ticket

Growing your business becomes a lot easier when you have the right systems in place.

I want to help you, so I’ve put together automated follow-up systems (using email marketing) to give you a shortcut to success.

I’ll even plug these emails into your CRM for you, so all you have to do is click a button and “BOOM“ - your leads will be getting these email sequences. It’s so easy!

I am a man of my word, so if you grab my email swipe file and it doesn’t give you an almost-instant increase in your business, just email me back requesting a refund… and I’ll give you all $97.00 back without any hassle or pressure.

email swipe file

I have been working with insurance agents as a “hired gun” freelance marketing partner for the past nine years,so you can be assured that I know exactly what it takes to help insurance agents grow their business.

If I wasn’t good at what I do, I would not have lasted this long. I have been blessed to be featured by many online magazines and podcasts, including ClickFunnels and Dan Kennedy.

Up until now I have never released my full library of email campaigns that I use with my private clients.

Are You Finally Finished With Outrageously Expensive Leads Going To Waste? When you buy rent leads from a lead vendor, you know that lead has been called by multiple agents, and the odds are stacked against you. What you need is an inexpensive free system to help you stand out, so that you can close more of these deals.

Have You Ever Said To Yourself "I wish I had more referrals!"? What if the answer to getting more referrals was as simple as knowing how to ask for them? Inside of these email campaigns you will find my most effective emails that you can send to current clients to generate more referrals. You’ll make a sale just by sending that one email sequence, you’ll see :)


Hear What Will Happen As Soon As You Buy My Email Swipe File:

  1. I am going to give you instant access to the campaigns in Google doc format so you can copy and paste them in whatever software you are currently using. I’m also including a video tutorial to guide you through the editing process so that you can feel confident making edits, even if you’ve never sent a “successful” email before (some of my clients say my video tutorials are worth the price of the swipe file by themselves)
  2. If you are using Agent CRM, without you even having to ask, I am going to plug these email campaigns into your account… saving you hours of time. (If you don’t have Agent CRM, you can give it a try on my dime on the next page…no pressure.)
  3. You will get an email from me confirming the receipt of your purchase and repeating my offer for a full refund if you do not see an increase in your business.

➩ Five Emails Campaigns to Turn Cold Leads into Appointments ($297 Value)

This makes it simple for you to nurture your new leads and get them excited to talk to you. Instantly set yourself apart from every other insurance agent they're considering. Stop seeing your Outrageously Expensive Leads Going To Waste.

➩ The Most Effective Emails to Send to Your Current Clients ($297 Value)

This is the secret for you to get clients excited about your agency and cut down on your support calls. Get The Referrals You Deserve. Sell the policy and confidently get on with your sales calls knowing your automated sequences are working for you. Dramatically reduce chargebacks!

➩ Revenue Generating Emails to Sell Elite Benefits ($97 Value)

This makes it easy for you to introduce your email list to other services that will provide you with a regular, steady flow of revenue. Generate tons of buyer leads this weekend. Reach even the most outrageous sales goals faster than you ever dreamed possible!

➩ Appointment Confirmation and Reminder Sequence ($97 Value)

This makes it a snap for you to double the number of appointments that actually answer the phone when you call. Increase your sales by increasing the number of conversations you have with prospects. Pick up the phone with confidence knowing that your appointment will be waiting on the other end for your call.

➩ The Expert's Emails To Revive Dead Leads ($497 Value)

This is the answer to revive aged leads that stopped answering your phone calls. Generate sales from leads that you've already spent money on. Jump to the top of the leaderboard without breaking the bank buying new leads!

What Do You Have To Lose? GOOD QUESTION!

If You Don’t Start Sending Better Emails To Your List…

  • You will lose referrals to a competitor, because your client didn’t know you were looking for them

  • You will continue seeing chargebacks because your clients forgot about the details of their policy or get buyers remorse

  • ​You will have to talk to the leads you rented or bought as a stranger instead of having your name recognized when you introduce yourself

  • Your business will continue on the current trajectory it’s on now, since you didn’t invest in improving your business.


  • What happens if I buy this swipe file and these emails don’t generate more business for me?

    If you grab my email swipe file and it doesn’t give you an almost-instant increase in your business, just email me back requesting a refund… and I’ll give you all $97.00 back without any hassle or pressure.

  • What am I actually getting?

    Inside of the training course you’re going to get instant access to an almost 100-page PDF that lists out all of the emails for you to read, and you’ll also get access to Google Docs that contain my emails in an easy to use format. The PDF is for your reading, the Google Doc files are for you to implement.

  • Can you help me set up these emails and send them to my list?

    Absolutely! Inside of your Agent CRM account we’re going to set up all of these campaigns for you. All you will have to do is edit your messages, tag your contacts so they’re added to your email campaigns, and VOILA!

  • I am a technophobe, will this help me grow my business?

    Yes, we have made it super easy for you to take these emails and, without any work from you, send them to contacts that you tag. It’s a very easy process, I designed this entirely for my grandma to be able to use.